Simple Tips Patients can Practice to Maintain Eye Health

We’ve all most likely had a dentist ask us at one time or another if we’ve been flossing enough. While the importance of flossing can be easily overlooked or underestimated, it’s an essential part of the equation for good dental health.


Similarly, a comprehensive eye exam is an important part of the equation for maintaining eye health. But there are several steps patients must take on their own – similar to flossing – in order to keep their eyes in optimal health after they’ve left the doctor’s office. Below are a few simple tips you can encourage your patients to practice on their own to maintain healthy eyes and vision.


Eat for Better Vision – Remind patients of the fruits and vegetables that are rich in the vitamins and minerals that they can add to their diet to support eye health. Lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids are helpful for patients with cataracts, AMD, and dry eye syndrome, respectively.


Watch Your WeightPatients that maintain a healthy weight are less likely to develop conditions like type-2 diabetes, which is a leading cause of blindness in adults as it increases the risk of glaucoma and cataracts. So in addition to a balanced diet, remind patients that weight management also means getting regular exercise.

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Stop Smoking, or Never Start – While smoking is most often associated with diseases of the gums, throat, and lungs, it’s also known to make patients more susceptible to eye issues like cataracts, optic nerve damage, and AMD.


Shield Your Eyes from the Sun – Remind patients just like their skin, their eyes can become sunburned if over-exposed to the sun’s UV rays.  Encourage them to look for sunglasses that offer 99 to 100% protection from UV-A and UV-B rays.


Purchase & Wear Protective Eyewear – Many eye injuries happen at home or while active, but these most of these injuries can be prevented simply by wearing protective eyewear. Recommend that patients look for safety glasses, goggles, and other eye guards that are made of durable polycarbonate and provide a secure fit.


Take a Break from the Computer – Eye strain, blurred vision, and computer vision syndrome symptoms can be reduced if patients remember to take breaks from computer screens. Following the 20-20-20 rule and making sure the computer workstation is set up properly can give your patients the relief they need.

girl using laptop computer

What simple tips do you suggest that your patients follow for maintaining eye health? Leave a comment to share with us.


Image 1 courtesy of; Image 2 courtesy of Michal